Google Billing Image Note










Thank you for taking the time to read the new NEWS section of South West Marketing’s website.

In late July 2016 I identified a billing anomaly and discussed my findings with Google.

It appeared that Google claimed a direct debit in the usual monthly interval, but then 2-3 days later claimed another direct debit amount.

Google has explained that they have closed down their old billing system and opened a new one, hence billing you twice in the same month.

The first billing was your normal monthly billing and the second was for “whatever” about you owed on the old billing system.

I asked Google to confirm our discussion in writing and the reply is below:


Google Adwords Reply July 2016
Google Adwords Reply July 2016


This billing issue may continue through September so that every client has been moved to the new billing system.

If you have any questions or concerns please give us a call to discuss further on 01752 863 400.